Alex Denmon knows how to rock an ugly Christmas sweater
Evening highlights include:
My friend Eddie falling asleep on the couch as the party raged on
Eddie's pot-roast was a huge hit!
My friend Ryan and his girlfriend were misidentified as Zach Braff and Jennifer Garner
I almost lit my sleeve on fire
My meatballs were a hit, thank you crock-pot goddess
Ruchelle Owens, winner of the riddle, showed up and seemed to have a great time
My cat figured out how to open doors
One of the guests, a female named Sara, decided to turn on Call of Duty at 3am.
The hostess with the most-est continues to impress
No one was maimed, died, or got arrested (tame party, sounds like weaksauce but it wasn't)
My niece danced to Sexy and I Know It and at the age of three looks like a potential diva. She made me watch eleven times as she danced and then also refused to dance until everyone washed their hands six times.
The police helmet from the 2007 hat party made its way back out via Alex Denmon's head
My Dad and Paula went on a beer run and showed up with three cases of beer to add to my two cases and three bottles of liquor
Also noteworthy and important:
Lindsey made her beans again
Josh did not drink a deadly tea, though he almost did
Craig and Stacey came in from Orlando- no party works without them
Tre and Min, always wonderful, let me act ridiculous and it was great to see them and add their Christmas present under my mini-tree.
Mike and Elena came to their first Holiday party in my house and really amped things up
My good friend Brent and his wife Kim showed up (it has been a while since I have seen them out and about)
Josh, Dave, and Alex helped create the world's best gamer / nerd photo of grown men spelling out COD with their hands.
Dana took the picture and then made fun of us in her pleasantly biting way that we all adore....
The party really set the tone for Christmas and hopefully next year those who didn't make it will be able to join us!